As a very rusty Private Pilot I found the King course on uncontrolled airport communication just what I needed. Thank you. Sam V
Sam V.
12/15/2021Non-Towered Airport Communications
Course Completion Review
Great informative material
Fabio L.
12/14/2021Non-Towered Airport Communications
Course Completion Review
best course ever
Diego C.
11/22/2021Non-Towered Airport Communications
A "Must do" for all pilots!
Great course, covers what you need to know and shows examples of what and how to do it. A great class for student pilots, or anyone needing a "brush up".
Michael S.
11/19/2021Non-Towered Airport Communications
Spot one King School
Situational Awareness at Non Towered Airports is a Must ...... Aviate,Navigate Communciate (ANC)