Jacob K.
11/27/2018The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
Commercial Ground Prep
Great Content
Kyle S.
11/27/2018Commercial Pilot Ground School & Test Prep
Important Refresher
RW incursions are a threat to General Aviation. Frequent review is the best defense to an inadvertent error! This is a good course for just that...
John G.
11/26/2018Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Good Refresher
Some good nuggets in here to refresh dusty memories
Jerry W.
11/25/2018Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Phillip G.
11/24/2018METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
Thumbs up!
AlwayS ENJOY the educational info??
Michael L.
11/24/2018Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Great videos
Phillip G.
11/21/2018Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Course Completion Review
I really enjoy watching these videos.
Phillip G.
11/21/2018Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Nice review
Good content and well presented. This is a nice high level review of the VFR regulations.
Mark B.
11/19/2018VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Well explained
I found the modules to be comprehensive and organized. The content was well explained and I liked how certain information was repeated throughout the modules. As a new student, that's super helpful to me.