John S.
12/02/2018Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Great refresher
Great refresher
John S.
12/01/2018METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
Excellent review
The website is simple to use and it remembers where I am up to in the clip (flash)
Wai K.
11/29/2018The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
Clear and Fun.
Thank you Martha and John, Even if I have received the Stall and Spin training before, always is necessary to refresh the knowledge.
Carlos Q.
11/29/2018Taming Stalls & Spins
Essential Info
Easy to use.
Chris G.
11/28/2018VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Excellent Course
I think the website is well put together. Each block of instruction is very informative and easy to understand. However, I've noticed that the videos frequently freeze no matter which computer or connection I'm using.
Jason H.
11/27/2018Taming Stalls & Spins
Outstanding class and a great refreshment
Abel N.
11/27/2018Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI
Course Completion Review
Covered everything I needed to know
Jacob K.
11/27/2018The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
Commercial Ground Prep
Great Content
Kyle S.
11/27/2018Commercial Pilot Ground School & Test Prep
Important Refresher
RW incursions are a threat to General Aviation. Frequent review is the best defense to an inadvertent error! This is a good course for just that...
John G.
11/26/2018Airport Signs Markings & Procedures