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Product Reviews

Working back to get into the seat after 19 years. CFI's I had would of benefited from this video, but that was "Way Back When?"
Jeff P. 02/14/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Quick & Simple
Good info in a quick & simple format. Video really brings the lesson home.
Mike M. 02/14/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Simple yet informative.
Nothing but praise for King Schools.
Simple y. 02/14/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Perfect for a nervous student.
The course was very helpful although I would suggest taking the exam as soon as possible after completing. Make sure your CFI knows that you are provided with an endorsement and don't let him or her convince you into "Extra preparation".  if you are doing well on the practice exams I cannot see a reason to ever need a cfi for most of the ground.
Maximos S. 02/14/2016 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Extra Attention to All CFIs
very helpful. All CFIs must understand the TSA better with their new role of submitting the paperwork for student pilot certificates effective April 1, 2016
Robert D. 02/14/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Jay B. 02/14/2016 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Feeling Smarter
I feel so proud of learning how to land in crosswind.
Sheldon B. 02/14/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Learned So Much
This course taught me how to communicate in a Non-Towered airport
Learned S. 02/14/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Love the course it has given me a student pilot the basic knowledge of flying.
REALISTIC!!! 02/14/2016 Your First Flying Lesson (KING Classic)
Course Completion Review
excellent  learned a lot
02/14/2016 Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
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