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Product Reviews

As advertised
As advertised  quick, easy, as painless as TSA training will ever get
Marcus O. 02/22/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Excellent and needed by me.
I enjoyed your course and learned.
Esly C. 02/22/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Great TSA compliance course
Security should always be on everyone's mind and this course is a great way to comply with the legal requirements as well as refresh your memory of the finer points of suspicious activity that you may have overlooked and should have perhaps reported.
Steven W. 02/22/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Course Completion Review
AMADO M. 02/21/2016 Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Excellent review or first time
Simple way of breaking down the metar and TAF. These guys make it simple.
Sergio A. 02/21/2016 METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
Got a 92
The course did a great job prepping me for the test.
Scott B. 02/20/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Easy to follow, painless
The TSA course is easy to follow, and informative. The format has the same dated charm that the King Schools brand has, but it's hard to beat the easy login and quick, informative quiz format.
Marvin R. 02/19/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Time well spent !
Good reference-refresher info (with flight time demo-examples) on proper technique-execution of comm procedures  at non-towered airports (both manned Unicomm and unmanned CTAF).
Robert R. 02/17/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Excellent course! Gained information which will help and built more confidence. John and CJ were terrific.
REGIS Z. 02/16/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Excellent course! Gained information which will help and built more confidence. John and CJ were terrific.
REGIS Z. 02/16/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
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