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Pilot Skills Courses Get It All Kit

WOW! ... You'll save $787 on this library of single subject courses + Online Aviation LIbrary

You'll save $787 on this entire kit ... that's 55% off!

You can count on this complete series of courses to take you into the cockpit with loads of practical information to help you fly smarter and safer.
Retail Price: $1,397


$1436  $649 ... 55% off!

This kit is designed not only to help you clear flight training hurdles, but also to manage the risks of flying. It combines the famous Practical Risk Management Course Series and the award-winning Take-Off Course Series into one complete library of courses. All courses in the Take-Off Course Get It All Kit are mobile friendly and designed to go anywhere you need to study. Also included in your bundle is the KING Online Aviation Library with over 85 resources. Enjoy FREE lifetime course access with automatic updates. 

Look at everything you get...

These single subject KING Take-Off Courses...

  • Maneuvers for Private Pilot
  • Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
  • Pilot Communications
  • Airplane Navigation From A to Z
  • The Complete Airspace Review
  • Taming Stalls & Spins
  • Aviation Weather Wise
  • METAR / TAF Made Easy
  • Surviving Airplane Systems Emergencies
  • Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
  • Night Flying
  • IFR With Confidence
  • Maneuvers for COM/CFI
  • VFR Regulations Refresher
  • IFR Regulations Refresher
  • Airport Signs, Markings & Procedures
  • Making Your Own Rules—Personal Minimums
  • Flying the Citation Mustang—Single Pilot


Plus all 5 KING Practical Risk Management Courses...

  • Practical Risk Management For Pilots
  • Practical Risk Management for Single-Pilot IFR
  • Practical Risk Management For Takeoffs and Landings
  • Practical Risk Management For Weather
  • Practical Risk Management For Reluctant Passengers and Their Pilots


Plus the King Schools Online Aviation Library...

  • FAA Handbooks including Weather, Airplane Flying, and Instrument Procedures, Helicopter Flying and more
  • FAA Advisory Circulars
  • Risk Management & Advanced Avionics Books
  • FAR/AIM - (Federal Aviation Regulations, Aeronautical Information Manual)
  • Airman Certification Standards / Practical Test Standards
  • FAA Computer Testing Supplements
  • Navigation Log Forms
  • Aviation Resources and Websites
  • Useful Guides, Websites, Brochures, Checklists, & Forms
  • ... & much more!!!


You're in Control of Your Time
You choose when and where you want to learn.
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
King Schools offers a "no questions asked" 30-day, money back guarantee.
We pledge to ...
  • ... place you on a pedestal. John and Martha may be the Kings—but to us, the real "kings" are our customers. Customer satisfaction has driven KING for over 50 years.
  • ... maximize your training. King Schools' teaching techniques help you remember facts you'll need—in every training product we create.
  • ... provide free, lifetime tech support. For as long as you own your course, you get this on all KING software and video products—Monday-Friday 8 A.M.-5 P.M. (PT). Contact Information
  • ... make learning enjoyable. Humor is a major component that distinguishes KING materials—and makes the learning process more memorable.
  • ... treat you with integrity. No loopholes, no surprises—we'll never abuse your trust. There's no fine print, no tricks. Never!
King Schools has provided training to more than half the pilots in the United States!

  1. What are the system requirements for this course?

    Any device with an Internet browser and broadband Internet connection.

  2. Can I use my smartphone to view the course materials?

    Apple iPhone and iPad
    We recommend using the Safari browser.

    Free bonus! You can download your lessons and take them later on an iPad or iPhone—even when not connected to the Internet. The free King Schools Companion app allows you to view and complete lessons in your course when no Internet connection is available. The app will automatically sync progress between all of your devices when your iOS device returns online. The free app is available through the iTunes App Store by searching for "King Schools Companion."

    Follow the steps below to access your courses on your iOS device offline:

    • After you have created your iLearn account by following the instructions in the email you'll receive after you complete your order,
    • Download the King Schools Companion app through the iTunes App Store onto your iOS device while you are connected to the Internet.
    • Once your course(s) have finished loading, you can start studying offline!

    Your course is compatible with the Google Chrome browser on your Android device. The Chrome browser is available for free download from the Google Play Store by searching for "Chrome".

  3. How much time will it take to complete the course?

    King Schools courses are self-paced so completion time will vary from person to person. The video running time for this course is {1} minutes.

  4. What if I have a question? Is there a CFI available?

    If you still have a question about your course, you can call us during our normal business hours at 800-854-1001 or +1 858 541-2200. You can also email us at - We have a full staff of pilots and flight instructors available to answer your questions. Please be aware that it may take 24-48 hours to respond to an email so please call us if you need immediate attention.

    Of course, when you take a King Schools course, it's like having a flight instructor with your 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can review the material as often as you like at any time. Sometimes, you may want to review a video segment a couple of times.

  5. How do I access my course completion certificate?

    Once you have completed all the lessons, you'll be able to print out your completion certificate. Click on the Course Complete icon on the main menu of the course to receive your certificate.

  6. Can I still access the online course material after I complete the course?

    You have lifetime access to your online pilot skill course.

  7. {2}
  8. Now that I finished the course, what´s next?

    Consider purchasing another pilot skill course or pursuing another pilot certification or rating; King Schools will help make it easy and fun!

Unedited Customer Reviews
Excellent IFR Training
Enjoyed watching older videos along with newer videos about the IFR environment.
Scott L. 03/23/2025
IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Very helpful course, it helped me understand what I needed to avoid.
Thank you
James H. 03/22/2025
Taming Stalls & Spins
Risk Mgt as IFR Rated Pilot
Double-Down Excellent reminder about how to take full responsibility for planning snd decision-making as PIC BEFORE, DURING and AFTER Single-Pilot IFR flights!
Clifford N. 03/20/2025
Practical Risk Management For Single-Pilot IFR
Course Completion Review
Can’t wait to use this information towards my next flight
Carlos M. 03/17/2025
Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Course Completion Review
jacob F. 03/15/2025
Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
great information
Theodore 03/11/2025
Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
awesome review of information
Marlon C. 03/11/2025
Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Awesome instruction on radio transmission
Marlon C. 03/07/2025
Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
VFR Regs Refresher feedback
Would like to see a section on VFR cloud clearances, also, communication procedures, uncontrolled, controlled, class d, c, and b airports. As Columbo use to say, one more thing...emergency transponder codes and when to use them.
James W. 03/06/2025
VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
I like the updated format.  It would be nice if it would update the completion date on the certificate.
David K. 03/06/2025
VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Opens a new window.