Found this section to be extremely helpful and I look forward to practicing the techniques I just reviewed.
Ralph T.
03/26/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
So important!
Great discussion of risk management!
David K.
03/24/2016Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Great Review
Very educational as always and easy to follow.
Christopher H.
03/23/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great course
Great course with good explanation.
James T.
03/22/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great course
Great course with good information.
James T.
03/22/2016Taming Stalls & Spins
great overall course
easy to use and very helpful website
Brandon F.
03/21/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
I got to admit I was very worried about this part of my training, but now I believe I can do it after completing is portion!
Kendall T.
03/21/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great course
Great course with useful information and great videos
James T.
03/20/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Clear communications
Clear and precise info on communicating with your surroundings, not just with B,C,and D but other pilots
John G.
03/16/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Flap landings made easy
Thank you so much for going into greater detail about when to decelerate and use the flaps properly. I have not been much for landing with flaps but now I'm feeling much more confident. Cant't wait to try it out what I know tomorrow!
Travis S.
03/15/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy