Every thing is broken down into short little segments making it easy to get it done when you don't have a lot of free time to spend studying.
Michael A.
10/26/2019Commercial Pilot Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
Easy to understand a complicated subject
Nicolas O.
10/25/2019The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Excellent as always
Great explanations, now I just have to do them the way they were explained!
Deborah B.
10/25/2019Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI
King schools for year the best
King schools the best in modern teaching techniques
Nicolas O.
10/24/2019Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Thank you
Well done
Erik C.
10/20/2019The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Raymond J.
10/20/2019Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Wonderful as always.
I've used dozens of King courses over my career. They remain a great source of getting complex information we need broken down in a efficient and practical way.
Anthony A.
10/20/2019Commercial Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Good info. Well presented
Daniel M.
10/19/2019Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Course Completion Review
A lot of great information.
Kevin S.
10/18/2019Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Good Course
Very helpfull
Carlos R.
10/13/2019Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI