Gary R.
04/20/2023Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) Ground School & Test Prep
Great Weather Information
Timeless weather information for both IFR and VFR pilots alike.
04/20/2023Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Lisa M.
04/19/2023Taming Stalls & Spins
Course Completion Review
Brian J.
04/19/2023Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
Great way to learn about personal minimums, in my private pilot training none of my instructors had gone this deep into a personal minimums checklist and the effects of not having one.
Aaron G.
04/19/2023Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Kirk S.
04/19/2023IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
very detailed.
Easy to follow and clearly presented.
jenni m.
04/19/2023Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Great review!
Helpful review of the maneuvers
Sophie B.
04/18/2023Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI
Great teaching methods
The King School has a great method for teaching you the appropriate information and making sure it's digestible and easy to understand. Highly recommend!
Zachary P.
04/18/2023Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
loved it
Maegan P.
04/18/2023Practical Risk Management For Pilots