Oscar G.
08/09/2023IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Dalton D.
08/08/2023Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Very good
Dalton D.
08/08/2023Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Course Completion Review
GPS and glass cockpit are too dated...At least suggest a Garmin 7xx system course in the training
Thomas M.
08/08/2023Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
passed my written 93%
Its the best cours . very easy and vey usufull.. of coutse help me with my written exam and hopefullu help me with the same way in my checkride thank you John .thank you Martha
Mohamed S.
08/08/2023Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
It was great and very informational.
Jacque B.
08/08/2023Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Course Completion Review
Peter F.
08/08/2023Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Aviation Weather
Steve M.
08/08/2023Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
So Fun
This course is very easy to learn and understand thanks to the simple videos and the practice exams.
Alex W.
08/08/2023Commercial Pilot Ground School & Test Prep
Well payed out information
Dalton D.
08/08/2023Practical Risk Management For Pilots