Course R.
02/16/2016The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
tech problem
Some sticky points: when logged in an on the course selection page; select a course; then select where I left off, it took me back to the login page. Tech service helped me solve the problem.
tech p.
02/16/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great tips
Excellent review of emergency checklist considerations, and reasons behind the checklist items.
Great t.
02/14/2016Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Course Completion Review
excellent learned a lot
02/14/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Love it
This is great
Love i.
02/13/2016Taming Stalls & Spins
Stalls and Spins
Great lesson, after learning the procedures and theory behind stalls, it made my practical training much more effective
Paul S.
02/12/2016Taming Stalls & Spins
Course Completion Review
Loved the way takeoffs and landings are explained simply and with a visual aid.
02/12/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Course Completion Review
Good review on navigation
02/12/2016Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
I find your website easy to use and very organized. The presentations were very easy to stay focused and weren't dry. The material was easy to understand and explained well.
02/12/2016Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Nice review
Good summary
David K.
02/11/2016Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)