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Course Completion Review
Francis L. 07/26/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Very good overview.
Covers the material well.  Easy to remember and retain.
David M. 07/17/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Good Course
Quick, well organized and as painless as possible.  If you need to study this material it can't be given any more simply than this.  You can do it in one sitting, download the helpful print material, and be ready to go.
Richard W. 07/15/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
There was no opportunity to print the logbook endorsement for an instructor's entry in a pilot's logbook.  It is not part of the regulation; where is it found?
Paul B. 07/02/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
benificiary course
Muhammad F. 06/24/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Clear, Concise, and Relevant!
Having taken TSA Recurrent training through two other providers, including a competing company's FIRC, I was utterly bored with the endless questions that had no practical application to my role as a CFI and Part 141 Check Airman.  As a previous King student for Instrument (Cleared for Approach) and Commercial (Cleared for Hire), I had higher expectactions and they did not disappoint!  Thank you, John & Martha, for creating a course that is relevant, brief, and meaningful to the CFI community.One year ago, I went through a TSA audit.  The inspector was friendly, but he was also very determined to see very specific items, including both my initial and recurrent TSA training certificates.  This course provides both a certificate and logbook endorsement.  Again, thank you for going beyond my expectations.  For a FREE course, you sure pack in quite a bit!
Daniel S. 06/17/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Careful Where/When You Click
I like the course; however, it is way too easy to accidentally click on an answer (and submit it) when you did not intend to do so (-1 *).  Otherwise, the course is great.  Fix this annoying problem with answers immediately submitting themselves when (accidentally) clicked, and this is a 5-star course.  Thank you for reading.
Benjamin C. 06/14/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Always Through and gives the exact information a person needs to excel!
Leslie B. 06/13/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Great course.
Thank you for making this course available for all - and free too! Nice touch.
Terry S. 06/13/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Security Awareness Training
Excellent course content and presentation.
Bobby R. 06/11/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
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