the course is very focused on the FAA questions, which good to some extend. Because many of the question you have in the training you will find in the FAA test. However, that leaf the risk that question which are unknown to Kingschool are not addressed in the training. I think a small expension just over the FAA questions would do great for this course. That sad, the course has the potential to prepare you to a passing grad. its on you to use the potential. The problem of the course could be the presentation of the raining questions. evenso there is an app is is only good to view the movies. if you like to learn on questions, you have to use the webpage. which is less stable then it is desirable. also the provided methods to learn are sub optimal. you can track your wrong questiins but that is about it. it should provide a learning mehid which repeats questions automatically until they are learned. There are many better ways out there. just oick one.
Matthias L.
Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep