So, first things first. I picked this course up back in 2017. Finally got around to taking my written and pursuing flight training 5 years later. So big kudos to the lifetime access that this course gives you. Secondly, The information is spoon-fed to you. You have no choice almost but to effectively learn the material, and John and Martha make even the dry stuff entertaining. This stuff fascinates me anyway, so they didn’t have to try too hard to keep my attention.
The user interface is top notch. No frills, but very easy to navigate and remember where you left off. Furthermore, the ability to “view lesson content” when you get stumped on a question during your review at the end of the lessons is immensely valuable.
Most importantly, the “unlimited random tests” were a great asset to my studying. I must have done about twelve or thirteen of them in the week preceeding my written exam. They are a great predictor of the types of questions you will see on the exam. Some are even word for word. However, I found that the tests in this course organize the questions by knowledge base, whereas the written is just a random collection of questions with no real rhyme or reason to their order. Which is fine, just slightly unexpected.
I’d recommend this course to anyone who’s looking to get into a PPL. As a matter of fact, I just picked up my PPL practical course, and when the time comes, I’ll be sure to grab the course for my instrument rating!
Jeremy A.
Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep