I was taking a ground school course in my area and it was great...however retaining the information was not so great. I'd have to go back week after week, paying to refresh on the things I was already taught...This got very frustrating and expensive. In doing a search to get better at understanding airspaces, I ran across one of your instructional videos online. You all broke it down so clear and the huge prop behind you showing me exactly what you're talking about was exactly what I was needing to put the dots together in my mind...On top of that, if I had any questions, I could just hit replay and watch it over and over again. I took the plunge and just bought the entire course package. I am so impressed, the videos that I purchased seemed to be way more in depth and you all do a phenomenal job being as detailed as possible...I grateful for your hard work and dedication to getting this course out there for us. The staff also in customer service have always been kind and courteous...Great job you all around.
Israel E.
Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep