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Product reviews for Instrument Rating Get It All Kit

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Good course
Good course.
David V. 05/17/2016 Instrument Rating Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
very good
Very good
Thomas M. 05/17/2016 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Great course
I passed my exam the first time. Preformed as expected.
Ben G. 05/17/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
The website is easy to used, and helpful.
Thomas M. 05/17/2016 The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
Need to redo course
I enjoyed the courseBrent Nixon.
Brent N. 05/16/2016 Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
What you need to know, best decision I've ever made to use King Schools
Colin M. 05/16/2016 The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
No Complaints
There seemed to be a pretty sizable disconnect between the questions that were emphasized by the practices versus the questions that actually showed up on the test, but I can't complain - I passed.
Brandon D. 05/13/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Awesome Course!
I passed my private pilot written and my instrument written with flying colors thanks to your course!
Mohammed A. 05/11/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Airplane Navigation
THANK! For your input concerning Airplane Navigation From A to Z ! Just learning about and seeing the electronics that we may be using one of these days and even much of what is being used now.  Some of us don't have access because of cost or other reasons, but your courses helpful because your knowledge passed on to your customers is vital to our becoming better pilots.
Jim B. 05/11/2016 Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
Risk Management
Excellent review of risk evaluation and management!  Medical professional would do well to view this important course given the similarities with medical procedures.
John M. 05/11/2016 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
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