As always Kings do a good job explaining the material .
Robert J.
11/01/2016IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Nice Refresher
This is a nice Refresher for some basic IFR knowledge. Well worth the money. It would cost much more to have a one on one ground lesson and I think its hard to the quality of instruction.
James C.
10/31/2016IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
very good
Matthew D.
10/31/2016Practical Risk Management For Pilots
METAR/TAF "Nailed It"
Awesome course. probably the most helpful course yet.
Greg H.
10/30/2016METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
Good, easy watch
Easy, general coverage.
Craig J.
10/30/2016The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
good preparing items
good preparing items for the IR oral test, I hoped that there is an option to watch videos of a 6 packs panel airplane for the approaches, and holdings
Abdullah B.
10/29/2016Instrument Rating Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Course Completion Review
keep up the good work!
Paul M.
10/28/2016The Complete Jeppesen Chart Review
Course Completion Review
Well Done guys
Paul M.
10/28/2016IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
what great material
Paul M.
10/28/2016IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Very good help for refreshing IFR.
Marcus R.
10/27/2016IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)