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Lengthy, but important
This course did a good job of reminding me of the regulatory details I need to know to fly legally and safely.  I will refer to this in the future when needed.
Lengthy, b. 12/16/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
VFR Regulations Refresher
I have a Flight Review this month. I always use the Take-Off or Risk Management courses for review before taking the Flight Review. I find the King courses rich in content and very well presented and have used them for years.
VFR R. 12/11/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
LOTS of info
I took lots of notes to go over before I take my PPL.
deloma b. 12/09/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Very good VFR review
Covers most important things
Very g. 11/29/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
nice quick review
out of flying 10 yrs...nice review of the main issues
nice q. 11/25/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
VFR Regulations Refresher
Great review - painless !
William P. 11/20/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
The information contained in this DVD was lively and filled with very helpful knowledge.  By reviewing this, I discovered I was able to retain the information and was actually remembering it from previous lessons.  That's a plus!
Lively.... 11/17/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Covered Everything Very Wells
I like it.  It's well organized and I know where to click for what I need.
Kevin W. 11/16/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Program was extremely well presented.  Instructors are obviously knowledgeable. They held my interest and kept me from mentally wondering off...
11/04/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Nice review
10/24/2015 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
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