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This course helped me land much better than before I took it.
John F. 07/12/2018 Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Course Completion Review
good information
Brady S. 07/12/2018 Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
VFR Refresher
John D. 07/12/2018 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Keep up the good work!
Charles A. 07/11/2018 Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Great information, and its a good way to teach it.
Charles A. 07/11/2018 Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Clear and concise summary
Great refresher, everything you need to know or "re-remeber"!
Lemna H. 07/10/2018 Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Outstanding material!
As always, a very well executed course! Extremely helpful explanations, demonstrations and tips/tricks from the masters.
Jason P. 07/08/2018 Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI
Using the right terminology only comes with practice and listening.
Susan B. 07/08/2018 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
The website it’s an easy layout and easy to find things around the website. User friendly.
Jenny S. 07/08/2018 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Takeoffs = Landings
A good review of what it looks like when it’s good, and what to do when it doesn’t look right
Susan B. 07/08/2018 Practical Risk Management For Takeoffs & Landings
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