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Navigation From A to Z
Content of material is very good but the video is too old. Can King School record the Navigation From A to  Z again? I just couldn't believe watching 1990s recordings in 2019 to make relevant for the current
Isaac Q. 05/16/2019 Airplane Navigation From A to Z - (King Classic)
Tamiing Stalls
Old video but great content
Isaac Q. 05/16/2019 Taming Stalls & Spins
Ok Risk Management
I was disappointed in the redundant use of the PAVE and CARE discussions.  Risk management discussions should include more human factors, FAA ADM (AC 60-22), and examples of accidents and incidents that show the risks and identify the alternative solutions/decisions.
Gregory F. 05/15/2019 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Great Refresher
Great Technique Lessons - good refresher!
Gregory F. 05/14/2019 Practical Risk Management For Takeoffs & Landings
Great Risk Management Lesson
The lessons-learned can also be applied as "life lessons" as well.
Gregory F. 05/14/2019 Practical Risk Management For Reluctant Passengers and Their Pilots
Course Completion Review
Roan G. 05/13/2019 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
great content
great overviewof risk mgmnt
Richard N. 05/13/2019 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
very good
Thomas C. 05/12/2019 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Thomas C. 05/12/2019 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Very informative. Put together very well.
Thomas C. 05/12/2019 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
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