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Airport Markings
Very good review. Covered everything in short segments
Randell R. 06/15/2019 Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Simple Reminders
Simple reminders and processes to maintaining a high level of safety when it comes to aviation.
Joseph M. 06/14/2019 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Great Information
Very informative
Patrick K. 06/14/2019 Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Great Information
Lots of great information and well presented. Thank you
Patrick K. 06/14/2019 Practical Risk Management For Single-Pilot IFR
Course Completion Review
some stale information
Byron Z. 06/13/2019 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great Information
Great information on common issues. Thank you for the thorough information and areas to double check before flight. Great reiterations on how to handle a bad situation.
Patrick K. 06/13/2019 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Course Completion Review
corny, and somewhat dated
Byron Z. 06/13/2019 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Signs, Signs, Everywhere
Simplification of a complex driving environment.
Eric C. 06/12/2019 Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Plan to Fly, Not to Fail
I appreciate the information presented on the topic of inadequately realizing and understanding a pilot's current and future situations as a result of poor flight planning.
Eric C. 06/12/2019 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
I prefer the layout of the Private, and Instrument courses.
Kayla C. 06/12/2019 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
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