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Course Completion Review
Great refresher for IFR regulations. I liked how John and Martha repeated critical points throughout the lessons. Hearing and seeing the main points reinforces learning and memory.
Michael T. 08/15/2019 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Good course
bobby b. 08/14/2019 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Daniel H. 08/13/2019 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Great. Very easy to understand
Excellent presentation and material
Jose G. 08/12/2019 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Very simple to follow
Another great lesson to prepare ahead and be ready
Jose G. 08/12/2019 Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
I learned how to fly more than 30 years ago and NEVER understood the concept of the sight picture for landing an airplane. I suppose I just got lucky on my check rides. I could never consistently land on the center line or without a thump or a balloon but in the latter care I was mart enough to go around when it ballooned. I actually think I GOT It from the video as to what I should be looking for now. Maybe I will get the hang of those good landings after all. This one video was probably the most beneficial for my purposes but all are very good.
Karen S. 08/12/2019 Practical Risk Management For Takeoffs & Landings
Course Completion Review
Todd B. 08/11/2019 Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Course Completion Review
Todd B. 08/11/2019 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
best teachers
I have tried many other courses and nobody explains this better than John ad Martha. I like the fact you take us right where the action is and I also like the fact that you keep refreshing other topics associated to  the current lessons.
ralph g. 08/11/2019 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Todd B. 08/11/2019 METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
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