John L.
01/24/2020VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
great intro to G1000
video plus commentary stays with the student
John L.
01/24/2020IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
excellent discussion on spins
the combination of videos while explaining the recovery drive home the procedure
John L.
01/24/2020Taming Stalls & Spins
good information on weather
practical information for a pilot without going deep into weather theory
John L.
01/23/2020Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Worth it
For beginners during the private phase I’d definitely recommend this course. Very straightforward and easy to understand.
Nicholas F.
01/23/2020Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
well written
you can learn what you need to know if you watch the couses a couple of times
joseph k.
01/23/2020METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
King school is really helping me be prepared for my checkride and my written tests
Ryan B.
01/22/2020Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Decent Review
This was a decent review of PPL information along with good Ideas for trip planning into areas you are not familiar with.
Richard R.
01/21/2020Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Very helpful!
I personally prefer videos over reading endless amounts of boring paragraphs. And with this course, it made learning all the aspects of aviation easy to grasp.
Kaleb F.
01/20/2020Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Great way to learn and remember.
Joao R.
01/20/2020METAR / TAF Made Easy - (King Classic)