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Night Flying
Excellent course, very handy and helpful information!
Vicente D. 08/05/2020 Night Flying - (King Classic)
Surviving Systems Emergencies
Super handt and helpful!! FADD!!
Vicente D. 08/05/2020 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Great course
barry y. 08/05/2020 Practical Risk Management For Weather
Course Completion Review
Very informative course, kept my attention up for the duration
Daniel B. 08/04/2020 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Course Completion Review
Good course, refreshed a few things I had forgotten with time
Daniel B. 08/04/2020 Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
Surviving emergencies Part 1
So very helpful and important!!
Vicente D. 08/04/2020 Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Course Completion Review
Really helped with Knowledge test practice
Nathan G. 08/04/2020 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Good information
Good information. A little dated by no mentioning ADS-B in/out. Otherwise helpful for becomming IFR current again.
Ross R. 08/04/2020 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Thorough but simple and easy.
The IFR Regulations Refresher course is exactly what it sounds like; a refresher. It brings back enough of the important regulations to jog your memory without bogging you down in tedious regulations. Easy to watch in your spare time and doesn't make you f
Steven B. 08/04/2020 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
The website was great and had a lot of options. I used the phone number to contact a representative and they were very helpful. I was able to redeem my key code to take the course.
Garrett W. 08/04/2020 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
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