08/31/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Course Completion Review
Very helpful. Great thinking points and examples of lessons learned from their flying career. Essential lecture for every student pilot to hear.
Todd H.
08/16/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Course Completion Review
Thomas R.
07/15/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
My first Kings online training
Loved it
Maria J.
07/04/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Day 1 or ATP, this is a must!
Really enjoyed "How To Avoid Unwanted Adventure!"Great, simple tools to evaluate and mitigate risk. We'll absolutely be using and sharing many of these concepts and will be re-watching it often!
Anthony A.
06/30/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
great overall lecture
Jon C.
06/22/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Course Completion Review
Nathan Z.
06/14/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Course Completion Review
Shane S.
06/08/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
unwanted adventures
this was indeed a video with events some pilots may have taken
Christopher E.
05/03/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
King schools are the best videos. I always remember so much from and re iterate everything that I have been reading about. Thank you so much for putting together these courses.
Dallen W.
04/14/2015How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure