covered the basic info to understand what you will have to do and if it is the route you want.
James P.
04/07/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
BasicMed Explained
Good summary of requirements and privileges.
Paul D.
04/06/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Course Completion Review
Good presentation
Maxwell M.
04/06/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Very good
Clear and straightforward account of what the Basic Medical means. Very useful to clarify questions that pilots may have about this somewhat complicated process.
Richard W.
04/06/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Very educational
Well organized
Jonathan E.
04/06/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Good course, slightly dated
A little dated, but a great refresher course on the major things that everyone must know for IFR flying. It is not long and definitely worth the time.
Matthew C.
04/06/2017IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
BasicMed Well Explained!
Explains BasicMed very well....Made it Black and White!
Todd J.
04/05/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Good class for Basic Med
Worked fine
Stacey R.
04/05/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Basic Med
Great source of informatino
Jaime T.
04/05/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Quick explanation of Basic Med
Great course explaining Basic Med
Bradley B.
04/05/2017Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained