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Product reviews for Flight Review Courses Bundle

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Good Job
Course is better than the website
John L. 05/21/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
very good.!!
RICHARD P. 05/19/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Must Take for Rusty Pilots
As I prep to return to the air after 8 or so years away from aviation, I was very concerned about all of the airspace changes that have taken place and about flying in congested airways.  I knew King Schools could arm me with the information I need to approach my charts and the airspace in the WDC region with confidence as I approach getting airborne again - thanks for delivering, King Schools!  This class is worth the time.
Forrest J. 05/17/2014 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
A must take for rusty pilots
Martha and John do a superb job reviewing the regulations we are going to need to know as we approach every flight.  Having been away from flying for many years, the prospect of returning to the air is both exciting and daunting.  This course makes the regulations straightforward.  There are excellent memory aids, clear graphics and excellent explanations which helped me with retention.  This is a must take for anyone trying to get back in the air after some time away - and also probably a semi-annual course as review!  Well done King Schools!
Forrest J. 05/16/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Great Job!!
Bradley K. 05/16/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
RICHARD P. 05/12/2014 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Ricki M. 05/10/2014 Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Course Completion Review
Ricki M. 05/10/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Great overview
Nice job
Jim B. 05/08/2014 VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Bradley K. 05/04/2014 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
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