Enjoyed the video presentation, which made the Basic Med program and Pilot Med easy to understand.
Philip S.
04/10/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
04/10/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Course Completion Review
The website is easy to navigate and find what you want with ease another great job.
Philip P.
04/09/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Great Review of VFR Regulation
I am preparing for my Flight Review and this course was a terrific help in accomplishing that study. It's been a long winter and much dust and snow had to be blown off. Thanks King Schools!
Jon F.
04/08/2019VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Made it clear
I was confused about the different certificates and requirements but this course made it clear and easy to understand.
Mark S.
04/08/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Good communications review of all frequencies and radio etiquette. Great review and explanation of light signals.
Randell R.
04/06/2019Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Good review
Clinton R.
04/03/2019VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Just what I needed for BasicMe
Great information, thank you for offering this.
Anthony P.
04/03/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Basic Med
Course was very informative
Cordell M.
04/02/2019Pilot Medicals and BasicMed Explained
Pilot comunications
Miguel A.
04/01/2019Pilot Communications - (King Classic)