Camilo S.
01/19/2015Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
This course is a major departu
This is a major departure form King courses I grew up with. I was hoping for Video content like all the others and so far 3 modules in and zero video only text on the screen
Kelly H.
01/19/2015Airplane Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC)
Kings is the way to go!
Great website, easy to get around
Stephen K.
01/18/2015Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
i recommended king school for how want to success.
Abdulrahman A.
01/18/2015Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Very helpful
This course from start to finish proved to be very influential to planning my cross countries perfectly. Very in depth and I highly recommended this to all pilots wanting to further their studies.
Justin J.
01/18/2015VFR Cross-Country Flying - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Earl K.
01/18/2015Non-Towered Airport Communications
Very good
The videos are relevant, and helped to demonstrate what material I needed to study more, and what material I had mastered. Getting this test prep was a good choice.
William S.
01/18/2015Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
Javier E.
01/18/2015Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Course Completion Review
Halima B.
01/17/2015Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
very valuable
Whether you are going for your first IFR ticket or refreshing, there is invaluable information in this course. Martha and John are great instructors.
tony s.
01/17/2015IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)