Otfried N.
11/03/2015Non-Towered Airport Communications
Short and sweet
This isn't anything your instructor can't explain to you in a few minutes, but if you want a little primer beforehand, this is a clear and concise explanation of the wing-low method.
Short a.
11/03/2015Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Great little course
Much easier to pick up the details required while sitting on the couch instead of while a runway is coming at you. Then you can go to the plane and apply what you've seen.Great, thanks!
Great l.
11/03/2015Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Nice review for night flight !
very nice review for night flight, brief and succinct sub parts facilitates finding the data of interest quickly.
Nice r.
11/03/2015Night Flying - (King Classic)
Great course
Taylor P.
11/03/2015Garmin G1000 Pilot Course
Lot's of common sense.
This is my first lesson ever, and I could easily follow through to understand
Lot's o.
11/03/2015Non-Towered Airport Communications
great course
great site
Robert P.
11/02/2015Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
great course
great site
Robert P.
11/02/2015Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep