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Product Reviews

Private pilot ground school
Great course , passed first time around !!!!Would highly recommend ……
michael s. 11/14/2015 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Surviving Most Feared Emergenc
The course provided the steps needed to prepared for the some emergencies, and I think is great Information regarding basic emergency.
JORGE 11/14/2015 Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies
Single pilot IFR
quick and succinct reviews.Worth reviewing every 6 months!
William P. 11/14/2015 Practical Risk Management For Single-Pilot IFR
Excellent & fun
Wonderful review of crosswind landings. I will be reviewing this a lot durimg my down time. Excellent and fun brief review.
Donald L. 11/14/2015 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Course should have been better
If you are hoping for a very insightful and easy to understand online course, this is not it. Unless you have a pretty good working knowledge of IFR flight this course does a poor job of explaining and helping a student comprehend instrument flight. For all the good reviews I was expecting a much better course presentation.
Daniel V. 11/14/2015 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Very information
very easy to navigate and find what I wanted
Very i. 11/13/2015 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Uncontrolled airport com's
A good refresher for most pilots of the proper radio usage at uncontrolled airfield.
Franklin D. 11/13/2015 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Easy and informative!
David G. 11/13/2015 RVSM Pilot Certification
Non - Towered Airport Communic
Great Intro, made my wife watch for backup.
Greg L. 11/12/2015 Non-Towered Airport Communications
G1000 Course
This course is well put together and covers everything you need to know.
Matt S. 11/12/2015 Garmin G1000 Pilot Course
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