Simple easy bites to swallow. Just flew with a crosswind today. This review would have helped. Great Job King Schools
Jeffrey T.
11/22/2015Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Course Completion Review
Bravo Zulu!
11/22/2015Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Great informative course!!!
The course was easy to follow and will let you go at your own speed. Even as effective as this course was I think I will still for-go flying in Russia and China.
Rodney C.
11/22/2015RVSM Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
Great course! Advise to anyone doing this course...take lots of notes!
11/21/2015Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Good review
as always good review and nice video
Good r.
11/21/2015Non-Towered Airport Communications
Awesome video
i been using King Schools the day i started my flight training. I did passed my all check-ride with 95%
Awesome v.
11/20/2015The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
VFR Regulations Refresher
Great review - painless !
William P.
11/20/2015VFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
VFR X-Country
great review all phases of VFR x-country planning and execution.
William P.
11/20/2015VFR Cross-Country Flying - (King Classic)
CFI course
It's the best flight lessons I've ever took I love it and I will always make sure that my training will be with you John and Martha , thank you for making my life easy
Ali H.
11/20/2015Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
King Video
Best video courses out there.
Todd S.
11/20/2015Non-Towered Airport Communications