Tim W.
06/05/2016The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Very good encouraging video
I am always excited about flying and love flying. This video explains almost everything in very simple way and easy to understand for learner of any level.
Sunil J.
06/04/2016Your First Flying Lesson (KING Classic)
Great pointers,
Great review, hit all the refreshers that i have not thought about in a while
Jim C.
06/04/2016Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
Easy to use website.
Josh H.
06/04/2016Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Great video
A great web site.
Tim W.
06/04/2016VFR Cross-Country Flying - (King Classic)
Extremely helpful
Love it
Kevin W.
06/03/2016Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Great training videos
The web site and videos were very easy to use.
Tim W.
06/03/2016Maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot and CFI
Learnt a lot
Wayne S.
06/03/2016RVSM Pilot Certification
Learnt more than I thought I would.
Wayne S.
06/03/2016NAT HLA Pilot Certification
Good TSA Recurrent Training
King's recurrent training was better than the last session I completed with the TSA course.
06/03/2016TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training