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Product Reviews

Satisfied with the course
Your website is decent & but some of your courses are over priced & not something which as a CFII, I can recommend to my students.
Ahnaf H. 07/01/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
2nd course...2nd PASS!!
I used King Schools for my private, but when I started my IFR training, the 141 school I attended only used Gleim.  I tried Gleim for several weeks, but it wasn't working for me.  I paid for the King IFR training, and everything made sense!  I'll be back for future training!!!
Bob W. 07/01/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
The King course on commercial pilot ground school and test prep course was extremely helpful.  The course is easy to follow and the videos cover the subject matter is such a way that is memorable.  Thank you John and Martha, for helping me pass the commercial pilot knowledge test!!  I went into the test feeling confident that I would pass, and i did!!
Tom F. 07/01/2016 Commercial Pilot Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
Great job
John T. 07/01/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
The Kings School program was a lifesaver! I learned everything I could have possibly needed to know quickly and easily and it made my FAA Private Pilot written Exam easy! The actual exam was just like all of the practice tests that this website provides for you after you complete the videos!
Sarah W. 07/01/2016 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Clear and Concise Information
A Great Refresher Course for Pilots who don't always fly into Non-Towered Airports!  Non-Towered Airport Communications is a great learning tool for a new pilot or for a refresher course for us older pilots.
Garrick P. 07/01/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Course Completion Review
Ryan M. 06/30/2016 RVSM Pilot Certification
Good Overall Discussion
Crosswind lands are a bugaboo to many pilots.  This course gives a good picture of how to manage them.  In fact, the use of rudder to control the nose carries over to a lot of fixed wing flying (see the discussion in "Stick and Rudder") so is particularly relevant here.  While crabbing, then going into a slip is only one way to manage crosswinds (personally I prefer a stabilized slip) the sight picture for managing a landing is clearly given.  This is a good training video, particularly for new or rusty pilots.
Richard W. 06/30/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Good solid picture
I took this again as a review for the non-towered field that I fly out of.  It is accurate and very well done, nicely matching what (most) people do at our field.  The one thing I would emphasize is to be aware that not everyone follow such good radio procedures, nor for that matter do they always have a radio!  But all you can do is watch and follow safe practices, which this course demonstrates very nicely.
Richard W. 06/30/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
aicraft systems emergency
great review of troublesome topics
James R. 06/29/2016 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
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