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Product Reviews

Course Completion Review
Quaint and brief but very informative
Micah S. 08/14/2016 Your First Flying Lesson (KING Classic)
Course Completion Review
Ok. But you server is horrible.  No matter what pc I use the videos are choppy p
William B. 08/13/2016 Your First Flying Lesson (KING Classic)
Saved By the Video
This is a refresher for me, but way back when I was working towards earning my license, the very first time after I soloed, I  accidently entered into a spin. Since my training aircraft was not certified for spins, I never had the opportunity to practice or even see what a spin feels like. But, thanks to the Kings and their videos on spin training, I knew the steps to take and I recovered from my first spin....thank you
Michael P. 08/13/2016 Taming Stalls & Spins
Enjoyed the refresher course,  helped out on my BFR
David B. 08/13/2016 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Enjoyed this informative lesson
David B. 08/13/2016 How to Avoid Unwanted Adventure
Non-Towered Airport Communicat
Great intro for both the new pilot and high time pilots with little or no experience into Non-towered airports.  Informative explanations on the how, why and when along with a good smattering of odd type situations that may come up.
Gregory M. 08/13/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Nice Work
I really liked the course and feel like I am well prepared to take my final steps to being a pilot.
Scott C. 08/13/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Great video
Thank you, very good explenation
Daniel E. 08/12/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Great Learning Experience
This was an excellent experience for learning and keep current with all the newest information...
Elisha R. 08/12/2016 Airplane Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC)
Its a course for pilot
Web site is awesome.But we need to improve the vedio quality.Vedio resulation is low.Course instructor voice and graphics is fine enough.
Md E. 08/12/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
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