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HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification

Online course - Department of Transportation training requirements

Meet your Regulatory Requirements

Get required FAA and DOT training for your aircrew and key ground personnel for Part 135 and Part 91K operations that do not carry hazardous materials.
2 hours

This course provides mandated recognition, response, and reporting training for pilots and key ground personnel working for "Will-Not-Carry" Part 91K fractional operators as well as Part 135 air taxi and on-demand operations. Any Part 91 operation in support of a business must comply with DOT HAZMAT regulations even though the FAA does not require specific aircrew training.
You'll Learn...
  • What HAZMAT and COMAT are
    • How to recognize properly packaged HAZMAT
    • Ways to recognize undeclared HAZMAT
    • How to handle COMAT
  • DOT and FAA HAZMAT Reporting Requirements for
    • Serious events
    • Incidents
    • Discrepancies
What This Course Does for You...
  • Helps satisfy Part 135 and Part 91K initial and recurrent general HAZMAT ground training requirements (not aircraft or operator specific)
  • Stand-alone course that fits into comprehensive Part 135 or 91K training package
  • Test questions throughout the lessons
  • Completion certificate and (for pilots) a logbook endorsement
  • Handy reference card
  • Additional download reference materials

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You choose when and where you want to learn.
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
King Schools "no questions asked" 30 day, money back guarantee.
We pledge to ...
  • ... place you on a pedestal. John and Martha may be the Kings—but to us, the real "kings" are our customers. Customer satisfaction has driven KING for over 40 years.
  • ... maximize your training. King Schools' teaching techniques help you remember facts you'll need—in every training product we create.
  • ... provide free, lifetime tech support. For as long as you own your course, you get this on all KING software and video products—Monday-Friday 8 A.M.-5 P.M. (PT). Contact Information
  • ... make learning enjoyable. Humor is a major component that distinguishes KING materials—and makes the learning process more memorable.
  • ... treat you with integrity. No loopholes, no surprises—we'll never abuse your trust. There's no fine print, no tricks. Never!
King Schools has trained 1 out of every 2 pilots!

  1. What devices will the course work on?
    Access Your Course from Any Device...All you need is an Internet connection and a Web browser
    • Tablets
    • Computers
    • Mobile Devices
  2. How long can I access the material once I complete the course?
    The Jet Transition course, which is listed in the selection of KING Pro Course below, has lifetime course access; the other courses on this list have a 90 day review period once you have answered the last question in the course.
  3. How long are the pro courses?
    ADS-B Pilot Certification contains approximately three (3) hours of instructional material
    Crew Resource Management (CRM) contains approximately two (2) hours of instructional material.
    ETOPS Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    HAZMAT Training for Will-Not-Carry Operators contains approximately two (2) hours of instructional material
    High Altitude Endorsement Ground Training Pilot contains approximately three (3) hour of instructional material
    • High Altitude Endorsement Physiology contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    • High Altitude Endorsement Weather contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    • High Altitude Endorsement Aerodynamics contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material

    Icing Operations Pilot Certification contains approximately two (2) hours of instructional material
    International Flight Operations Overview contains approximately four (4) hours of instructional material
    Introduction to Radar approximately 45 minutes of instructional material
    Jet Transition contains approximately four (4) hours of instructional material
    NAT HLA Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    Oceanic RNP Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    Part 135 Initial Training contains approximately thirty-two (32) hours to complete this course
    Part 135 Recurrency A or B Training contains approximately sixteen (16) hours to complete this course
    P-RNAV / B-RNAV Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    RNAV-1 & -2 Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    RVSM Pilot Certification contains approximately one (1) hour of instructional material
    TAWS contains approximately 45 minutes of instructional material
  4. Are these courses FAA approved?
    The following courses cover all FAA required general topics for all operators.
    On select courses(*), each operator needs to supplement our course with aircraft and/or company specific items from your ops spec to obtain your POI’s approval to use the course in your training program.
    *ADS-B Pilot Certification
    *Crew Resource Management (CRM)
    *ETOPS Pilot Certification
    *HAZMAT Training for Will-Not-Carry Operators
    High Altitude Endorsement Ground Training Pilot
    • High Altitude Endorsement Physiology
    • High Altitude Endorsement Weather
    • High Altitude Endorsement Aerodynamics
    Icing Operations Pilot Certification
    *International Flight Operations Overview
    *Introduction to Radar
    NAT HLA Pilot Certification
    Oceanic RNP Pilot Certification
    *Part 135 Initial Training
    *Part 135 Recurrency A or B Training
    *P-RNAV / B-RNAV Pilot certification
    *RNAV-1 & -2 Pilot Certification
    *RVSM Pilot Certification
    Jet Transition is designed to provide an overview of jet aircraft operations.
    >We have found that most FSDOs are familiar with our training but if yours is not, you can provide them with a copy of any course syllabus by downloading it from our site before you purchase a course. Additionally, if there are still any concerns, we will provide FAA inspectors with a course key for any courses you are considering at no charge to you or the FAA for them to review. The only requirement for the complementary course is that it must be sent to an FAA e-mail address.
  5. How often do I need to renew my RVSM?
    If you are flying under Part 91 – You need to check whether the insurance company or company you are flying for has a required renewal timeframe. (The FAA does not have a specific time indicated for renewals.) There is no FAR that sets a requirement for RVSM Recurrency for Part 91 operations. Under the LOA, the FAA expects that the person designated as the responsible individual will ensure that all pilots are qualified to operate the aircraft. Depending on the relationship with your POI you may or may not have training requirements specified in your agreement or operations manual. The primary driver is more likely company policy, personal standards or insurance considerations. LOAs used to expire after 24 months and again it was between the operator and the POI what was required to renew the LOA. LOAs are aircraft (tail number) specific and now must be renewed only when any one of three things happen: (1) change of equipment, (2) change of ownership, and (3) change of responsible individual. Again, it will be between you and the POI as to what will be required to issue a new LOA if any of those things change.
    If you are flying under Part 135 – You need to check with your Chief Pilot and Training Manual as the renewal time may vary.
  6. How do I get my WINGS credit for taking the course?
    Just make sure the email address in your King Schools iLearn account matches your WINGS account. We will automatically grant WINGS credit when you complete the course. For more information, click here.
  7. Can my flight department receive a volume discount?
    Yes, King Schools does offer volume discounts for qualified flight departments. Please contact us at 800-854-1001 or +1-858-541-2200 for pricing or to place your order.
  8. Do you offer any kind of course progress reporting for larger flight departments?
    Yes we do! Please contact Bill Ziska, VP of Sales for King Schools at +1-858-576-6214 and let him know that your flight department is interested in setting-up weekly reporting.
  9. Who do I call if I have questions?
    You can speak to one of our Pilot Advisors during business hours at 800-854-1001 or +1-858-541-2200 or, you can email us at

Unedited Customer Reviews
Course Completion Review
Mark R. 02/25/2025
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
easy to use system, and prompted me to the reading material
Carlos C. 02/10/2025
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
Miguel V. 01/06/2025
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
user friendly
website was easy to use
Thomas A. 11/05/2024
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
clear, concise presentation.  As stated on the website, will need to be integrated with operator specific program. Great introduction, though.
james m. 05/15/2024
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
Great course, very informative!
Mark T. 05/15/2024
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
very good and informative
Very good course, relevant information only, like the Hidden Shipment Indicators table, just because its not labeled HAZARDOUS doesn't mean it isn't.
Rene C. 12/22/2023
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Easy peasy
They will get you thru it fast
Shale P. 11/20/2023
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Course Completion Review
Mike L. 10/31/2023
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
Easy and complete
User interface was very good. Material was easy to understand we excellent references. The sample HAZMAT manual is worth the whole course. It is very detailed and complete to satisfy any FAA inspector.
Frederick N. 09/26/2023
HAZMAT for Will-Not-Carry Pilot Certification
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