Very thorough and well taught techniques for takeoffs and landings!
Garrett A.
07/10/2017Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Thorough test prep
This is the most thorough, in depth course one can buy to prep for their PPL Written.
Benjamin R.
07/10/2017Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
So simple to understand
Very well put together. I generally read a chapter in the book and then watch the video most associated with it. It always seems like I just have a better understanding after watching the videos. Thanks.
Nathan S.
07/09/2017Practical Risk Management For Pilots
Fanstic !
I highly recommend this and ALL King videos !!! I am going thru my check ride prep and feel a lot more confident after watching this ....Great Job Thank you King !!!!!!
Angel C.
07/06/2017Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Course Completion Review
Thank you for this wonderful course! Could not have passed the test without it! I learned alot, and it was all explained very well. Thank you again.
Clayton G.
07/06/2017Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Communication is the Key!
An excellent review that clears the cobwebs.
John O.
07/05/2017Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Thank you!
Thank you very much! Your courses are amazing and very helpful!
Chad W.
07/04/2017Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Great Communications Course
The Pilot Communications course easily conveyed what needs to take place regardless of which airspace one aviates through. Thank you for an excellent online class.
Bryant P.
07/02/2017Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Pretty good videos
Overall good videos, but not perfect. I watched all the videos twice, some of them three times, and passed my test on the first try.
Lindsay H.
06/30/2017Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
TakeOffs and Landings
Found this course to be very interesting. Appreciated the portion on cross-wind takeoffs and landings. The discriptions were very complete and easy to understand
Michael F.
06/30/2017Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy