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Course Completion Review
I love this ground school, it is very informational, however, I would apperciate if they could have times where you stop and take notes on information
Nick G. 08/24/2017 Taming Stalls & Spins
Almost feel like it's cheating
This course is absolutely one of the best, most comprehensive sources of preparation material you can find. The format and material presented are a great help in retaining the information needed to become a safe and proficient pilot and more importantly it helps to gain a higher level of understanding of the risk factors involved in each phase of flight, including mitigation strategies for those risks. Don't hesitate to buy this course, even if you're already a licensed pilot!
Ronnie M. 08/21/2017 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Course Completion Review
Excellent Course
Bradley R. 08/21/2017 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
learned a lot,feel great
thought it was very helpful and thural I'm very confident now with my private pilot knowledge
Ben S. 08/21/2017 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Well worth it.
I feel prepared. I know I have been taught all the information. I know my weak points and can study them and make them my strong points.
Lucas E. 08/21/2017 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Great refresher
Wayne W. 08/20/2017 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Thanks very much!  I really loved all the help.
Joyce M. 08/20/2017 Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy
Very Good Course
It helped me a lot to prepare for the test.
Jack L. 08/20/2017 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Very thorough and well done!
The course showed John as an amateur pilot being examined for a check ride. He was not boastful or annoying. His humor reminds us to be safe and that we should enjoy flying.
Charles J. 08/19/2017 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Course Completion Review
The course was thorough and concise. A lot of important information that we as pilots should consider before every flight, and not take for granted
Jonathan C. 08/18/2017 Practical Risk Management For Pilots
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