This course and video package has been a life saver for me in keeping current and progressing at a slow/steady pace, as I navigated my way through completing a Statement of Demonstrated Ability (SODA waiver), Special Medical Flight Test for uncorrectable 20/400 vision in my right eye. If you're considering flying and you've got a bad eye (Amblyopia specifically), you MUST pre-plan for the SODA checkride! I was ready to solo and had not completed my medical, and got a very unpleasant surprise that seriously delayed my training. So- if you have a vision problem, start on your medical BEFORE you begin flight training as you'll be able to combine your "solo" with your SODA checkride, because landing the airplane is a requirement to proving you can see! :) King videos and test prep have kept me in the game even after major disappointment and facing 100 reasons to just put flying on hold. Thanks for having such a complete and self-directed program available!
Randall B.
Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep