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Course Completion Review
Love the course
Adam A. 04/27/2017 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Course Completion Review
I thought it was very helpful.
Eric L. 04/27/2017 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Very helpful in navigating on the airport.
James F. 04/26/2017 Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Course Completion Review
great review
Richard W. 04/26/2017 Aviation Weather Wise - (King Classic)
it was really good and helpful
HyiSeong M. 04/26/2017 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
Great communication review.
Oh I didn't know that "no joy" and "Roger" were  out in today's airplane communications. What a great review of their frequencies and communication language. I feel more confidence already.
Michael D. 04/25/2017 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Surviving Aircraft Systems Emg
A lot of helpful information
Mitchell M. 04/24/2017 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Ready to try Class B and C
I fly at a non-tower airport.  I have been wanting to at least fly through Class C when necessary.  This course has given me the information and I have written it down so when I do fly through I will understand the language and how I am to comply!
deloma b. 04/24/2017 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
Complete Airspace Review
Great video
Mitchell M. 04/23/2017 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Pilot Communications
Getting back into the air after 30 years, and it's great to see/hear that things have not changed that much.  Always have enjoyed the Kings.
Mitchell M. 04/23/2017 Pilot Communications - (King Classic)
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