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Excellent Program
This was an excellent program that prepared me, someone without basic flight knowledge, to pass the private pilot exam. The content was easy to understand.
Denise W. 08/07/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Great Alternative
Much more convenient than a 3 day all day course
Grant W. 08/06/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
I passed!!
Kingschools has the best private pilot course Out there. I have tried alot of different courses but nothing compares to this. Kingschools has mastered the way of learning, and makes it fun to learn with two silly instructors???? Great course!
Espen Z. 08/06/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Great Program
I loved the videos. This is a great program for someone who is just starting their journey in becoming a pilot. Thorough yet concise, all while being fun and easy to understand.  I went from knowing next to nothing about aviation, to being confident in my knowledge that is required of a private pilot. Thank you.
Sarah S. 08/03/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
The course provided all a person needs to pass the knowledge test. The production on the videos was particularly well done. The answer explanations during the post-video quizzes were clear and complete.
Jerry J. 08/02/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Best money I ever spent
I was really worried about taking the FAA knowledge test for my PPL.  I watched all of the videos answered all the questions and studied every chance I got.  However, every practice test I took in the course I would barely pass.  I finally decided I wasn't going to be able to cram anything more in my head and I just needed to take the exam.  I was very nervous when I got there, but as I took the test everything Martha and John had gone over came back and was there when I needed it.  I passed the exam with a 92%!!!I have a full time job and a family so I don't come by spare time easily.  With King Schools' course I was able to study on my time when it was convenient (in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep) and two weeks after watching the introductory video I was able to pass my knowledge exam.  I can't thank you guys enough.  I will be coming back for more!
Ben G. 08/02/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
A Perfect Match!
King School's private pilot course has been the perfect choice for me. As a 68 year old first-time student, I was apprehensive about whether I could effectively and thoroughly learn all the material that the FAA requires. John's and Martha's method of teaching and reinforcing relevant knowledge, however, has allowed me to advance at my own pace, feel confident as I progressed through the various subjects, and ultimately earn a high score on the FAA written exam!
Kathryn H. 07/30/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
King School
King's Schools for pilots has helped me to easily understand the things that seemed so complex in the book. I feel 100% more confident about the basics of VFR flying since using the King School program. Thank you John and Martha for making my VFR ground school a successful learning experience.
Candy J. 07/25/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Very Helpful!
Very organized structure, don't think I could have done it any other way.
Joshua S. 07/23/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
Aweseome Test Prep
Finished King Schools Private course in about 3 weeks, took the test a week later and walked out with a passing grade!
Joseph D. 07/19/2018 Private Pilot Online Ground School & Test Prep
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