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Course Completion Review
Lots of information great for review.
Nolan A. 07/28/2016 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Great Essential IFR Overview
This course was a great capsule of really essential regs as a refresher for IFR.  Combined with the IFR with Confidence segment, was a really time efficient way to review.  Now it's ime to fly to get current again......
Gary F. 07/26/2016 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Srtong core review
This course offered excellent focus on key aspects of IFR flying as a refresher.  Exhaustive trivia is not present here,  just essentials to get you focused again.  Combined with the regulations segment, it offered good completeness.  Now it's time to fly to get current......
Gary F. 07/26/2016 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Risk & Weather
Good rules to fly by!
Paul B. 07/25/2016 Practical Risk Management For Weather
Good review
Appreciate the products
Ricky R. 07/22/2016 Practical Risk Management For Weather
Good review
Appreciate the products
Ricky R. 07/22/2016 Practical Risk Management For Single-Pilot IFR
Good review
Appreciate the products
Ricky R. 07/22/2016 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
Good review
Appreciate the products
Ricky R. 07/22/2016 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Solid Refresher
Good overall review of IFR regulations.
Dirk J. 07/18/2016 IFR Regulations Refresher - (King Classic)
Good Pointers
Great common since reminders to help you keep control of the AC during unexpected issues?
Chris G. 07/06/2016 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
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