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Product Reviews

Solid course, some hickups
Strong course to work on at your own pace. A FEW of the figures used as reference to answer questions are illegible leaving the answer a guess rather than a formulated answer, these figures are however clear during the actual written exam. Some videos occasionally would have issues with loading despite good internet connection, sometimes multiple attempts were needed to view the video before proceeding. Still passed the written 1st attempt  88% worth the investment for ease of use and ability to take multiple practice exams with feed back.
Joshua E. 04/15/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Course Completion Review
michael l. 04/15/2016 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Informational video
Easy to watch and listen to. Great review!!
MURIEL C. 04/15/2016 IFR With Confidence - (King Classic)
Great Flight Introduction!
It was a great experience!
Ian G. 04/15/2016 Your First Flying Lesson (KING Classic)
Crosswind Landings Made Easy..
I am an instructor and plan to use this video with my students to try and help them with crosswind landings.
Matt W. 04/15/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Always learning something new
Excellent overview of weather risks and how to avoid
Matthew H. 04/15/2016 Practical Risk Management For Weather
Non tower d airport communicat
James J. 04/15/2016 Non-Towered Airport Communications
Reading+Watching these Videos by King Schools = Private Pilot
Cosmas O. 04/14/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
John and Martha are fantastic!
As always these two have came through with a fantastic training/learning environment! I completed my Private and now my IFR using KING Flight schools program with awesome results!Keep up the good work and happy flying !
Matthew L. 04/14/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
A great review for the up and coming pilot.
Joshua B. 04/14/2016 Surviving Aircraft Systems Emergencies
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