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FAA Questions Not Similiar
I think King instruction is great.  However, the instrument course is way to tailored to specific (old) FAA test questions.  I took the test today and only 30-40% of the question structure was similar.  What is great - is the logic behind the instruction.  My advise would be to re-do the videos with no actual FAA test question structure (tons of reference to this through).  Several questions on the exam that were not addressed in the King instruction.   I will use King for further training without a doubt - just would like to see the instruction pace with the changes FAA is introducing.  Still - Martha and John are best at explaining all aviation concepts.
Michael K. 04/25/2016 Instrument Rating Ground School & Test Prep
Great Refresh
Every pilot needs to stay up on the latest changes and modifications to the airspace system!
Jim C. 04/25/2016 The Complete Airspace Review - (King Classic)
Good, in general
I have a Garmin GPS, so this was good, but sometimes very specific for the King GPS
Pedro M. 04/25/2016 Flying with the KLN94 GPS
Personal Minimums
I have always seen the IMSAFE checklist, but never really included personal minimums. This has really been eye opening and will present better safer flying conditions for me and my passengers
John P. 04/24/2016 Making Your Own Rules - (King Classic)
great refresher
Having not flown many hours in the last 12 months, this is a very great refresher of knowledge that I have not seen, including situations that i have not yet come across in my flying career!/t
John P. 04/24/2016 Airport Signs Markings & Procedures
Confidence booster
Have now used King School courses to study for written and check ride. Hopefully check ride proves successful as did the written.
Kyle W. 04/24/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Put my mind at ease
The website is great, easy to navigate.
Duane C. 04/24/2016 Private Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) Prep
Concise and easy to follow
Easy to navigate website.
Tim C. 04/24/2016 TSA Refresher Security Awareness Training
Course Completion Review
Good course. Very professional - clear, concise.
James P. 04/24/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
Landing it Straight
This is a fine refresher for any pilot, regardless of flight-experience. It's just plane fun watching John's one-wing-low wing-rockin' skills!
Bryan R. 04/23/2016 Crosswind Landings Made Easy
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